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THE SECRET OF GNOSIS - Copyright July 1994 by Daryl Moulder
Gnosis literally means knowledge in Greek. The gnostics were a group of
people who were looking for knowledge, not an intellectual knowledge but an
inner knowing.
This document looks at some of the techniques used to facilitate a "knowing"
at this level.
One of the ways that can be used to develop a sense of dwelling with the
divine or communion with the transcendental presence of the other is by
One of the main ways of mediation is by using a mantra or phrase that is
repeated over and over again.
This is used so that the mind is focused on one point. This has an effect not
just of intense concentration but of quietening the mind down so that the
intuitive part of the mind is then open to receive spirit.
The first step in meditation is to quieten down the body this can be done by
imagining the body filled with warm water.
As the body is drained of the water through the hands and feet so all the
tension and stress is drained out with it. This leaves the body completely
This process can be repeated as often as necessary to completely relax the
body. The other technique is relaxing each part of the body from head to toe.
In the hands focusing on relaxing each finger and in the feet each toe.
Once the body is relaxed the mind can repeat the mantra at the beginning for a
period of 10-15 minuets and then a period of half an hour.
Eventually after mediating for a long while all conscious thoughts are
banished from the mind. At this point instead of being unconscious the mind
reaches a kind of super consciousness or pure consciousness.
The energy of the body is also raised and the body becomes very light
sometimes to the point of levitation.
Another type of mediation is a guided visualisation. This type of mediation
works upon strengthening that person so that they love and accept themselves
as they are.
One of the more well known guided visualisation techniques is the "white light
The purpose of this mediation is to cleanse the aura and to raise the energy
of the person to a higher level.
It is also used to clean out any negative though patterns or emotions.
The body is relaxed in the same way as mentioned earlier. Then a bright light
is visualised entering the head and flowing downward through the crown
charcara. This light then relaxes and spreads down towards the other parts of
the body. The whole body is then bathed in light. Every pore and cell in the
body is engulfed in the light.
After bathing in the while light and feeling the sense of power and love of
the God force feel the light gently cleansing the aura of all negative
thoughts, and emotions that tend to dirty the aura.
To finish off imagine an enclosed mirror around the body, a one way mirror
that lets the light in but blocks out negative energy patterers.
Mediation can also be used with crystals, I find a pyramid quartz crystal
placed on the third eye works really well.
Another way of experiencing an altered state is to use a ritual. Like
mediation this too focuses the mind and allows for a structured pathworking.
First the area of ritual is described ie in a clearing with a stone alter.
Then the actual deities are invoked into the gathering/circle or person.
These deities are then thanked for their appearance and a request is asked of
them. This can be as simple as protecting the circle before a guided
meditation or something more complex such as the dedication of ritual
The most important part of the ritual is the focused imagination. This
imagination is helped by the setting given at the start and by outside
measures such as incense and relaxing repetitive music.
Once the ritual is over the deities are thanked and are asked to leave.
Most of the best rituals are ones that are devised oneself.
A float tank (made famous by the film altered states) is a sank with a saline
solution in it which helps the participant to float to the surface. This tank
is an enclosed space kept completely dark with some mediation piped though
Because of the sensation of floating and of sensory depravation the mind can
often experience visions or hallucinations.
Float tanks can be used in helping to facilitate an OBE experience. OBE's are
likely to occur when mind dose not know exactly where the body is (ie no sense
of up down etc).
This is one of the ways native people have used to open up a person's
awareness. It must be stressed however that unlike the other methods it takes
an extremely disciplined mind to keep the mind under any sort of control.
The drug experience has to be followed through right to the end no matter how
unpleasant the experience is.
Drugs can also cause the aura to become dirty because it attracts all kinds of
spiritual influences (see Hands of Light by Barbarann Brennan for more
Replies, questions and comments would be appreciated but please do not send
this document back to me.